Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wiki's world

Hey people, how are you?

The topic chosen for this week's e-tivity is the genre of wikis. Before I begin my analysis, let's explain what the word wiki stand for. Wiki means "quick" or "informal" in Hawaiian and is a type of interactive website or better, to use Matthew Buckland's words, "is a collaborative article that is updated with new and improved information submitted and published by the audience, not just by an author or authors".

I've explored some wikis I've found on the Net and for my analysis I've chosen Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit (as it is said on its main page). This wiki is maybe the most famous but I've observed that there are many others which are very interesting and well-constructed, as for example Wikihow, PBwiki, Library Success or Wetpaint, just to mention some.

There is not an intended audience for Wikipedia because everyone can collaborate, the only request is that you are supposed to know what you are writing about when you contribute to the drafting of an article.

Language features
Wikipedia is available in many languages. Dealing to English I think that the language is more formal if compared to blog's one but not too formal to be understandable only if you have a dictionary with you ^_^. In other words, is not as formal as the language we usually found on the encyclopedias we have at home.

The articles are divided into different sections (for example arts, history, society ... ) and in each article there are lots of hyperlinks which allows you to verify what you don't know just by clicking on it.
Moreover there in the Help section you can find explanations on how to use the website and answers to your more usual questions.

Summing up...

Wikipedia is very useful because you can widen your knowledge and it is especially helpful for those people like me who are students of a foregin language because through the reading or the editing of an article you can improve your comprehension and writing skills.

See you soon



lucreziabis said...

Hi Alice I read you impressions on wiki world, and I realized we found out the same things. I like your explanation becuase everyone who comes visiting you blog can have a general idea of what wiki is. I also like the fact that you share your text in different sections so it's easier to understand. Well done, See you sooner


lucreziabis said...

Hi Alice I read you impressions on wiki world, and I realized we found out the same things. I like your explanation becuase everyone who comes visiting you blog can have a general idea of what wiki is. I also like the fact that you share your text in different sections so it's easier to understand. Well done, See you sooner


Sve said...

Hi Alice,
Thank you for reading my blog and giving nice impression on it. I'm very glad.

I've read your post on wikis and you too have done a very good and well organized job. I have to say that I agree with you when you say that Wikis can be a very useful tool to use in order to improve our writting and comprehensive skills, especially for us, english students. Well done, also the summary of main aspects of wikis. I put quite the same things.

As Sarah says we should be more critical...I just want to give an advice, not critics. Maybe it could be useful if you add some brief descriptions of wikis you have explored. Perhaps it could capture readers attention, more than a simple list.

Thank you again.
Seen you soon.